I don’t know why you had to go
The greater reason I’ll never know
My heart is shattered beyond repair
My body cries in despair
Remi you changed my life forever
I always pray we’ll be together
I’m your Mother for all time
Your heart, it lives on in mine
Your life was lost inside of me
I know now your soul is free
Consumed by you I’m paralyzed
I often wonder if I’ll survive
Today you’d be two months old
I long for you but you’ll never know
I imagine what you’d be like now
Golden hair, blue eyes or are they brown
The things we’d be doing if given the chance
The pain of your absence leads to a trance
I’d hug and kiss you... maybe more than I should
I’d love and teach you all that I could
Instead I’m trapped in a revolving door
With thoughts that lie too deep for words
Jual Pasir Silika Lampung - Jual Pasir Silika Bangka
10 years ago